Resident Screening
Case Studies

Integration Update: Trigo is now a fully qualified Yardi® Standard Interface Vendor!
Seamlessly Integrate Trigo Into Your Yardi Screening Process

Integration Update: Trigo's Rent Manager integration is now live!
Seamlessly Integrate Trigo Into Your Screening Process

Resident Screening
Why Rent Verifications Are Mission Critical
Why are rent verifications so important in the resident screening process?

Resident Screening
Common Misconceptions About Rent Verifications
What are some common misconceptions about rent verifications (aka landlord reference checks)?

Resident Screening
Unlocking Hidden Value: How AI is Transforming Rent Verification
Turning A Common Fallacy in Multifamily On Its Head

Resident Screening
What's FICO Missing?
Near-Zero Visibility Into Americans' Single Largest Expense: Rent

Resident Screening
The Rise of Fraud in the Rental Industry
Today’s Digital Landscape Has Accelerated Application Fraud

Resident Screening
Blind Spots in Resident Screening
What's Wrong with FICO Scores & Eviction Court Records?

Resident Screening
Remaining Fair Housing Compliant in Your Screening
Eliminating Human Error and Inconsistency Is Critical

Resident Screening
Rent Verification: The Lost Art of the Reference Check
Rent Verification is a lost art. But there's no other way to know if somebody pays their rent.